Sunday, 11 September 2011

Post school summer holidays

It's been a while. We've had the summer holidays, in which I went to the beach most days, well, when the weather was decent, I looked after my granddaughter and I chilled. I'm still off sick. I hope to go back to work sometime this month. The operation has been a success to some degree but I still have some degree of pain and until I see the surgeon at the end of the month and get the all clear, I won't relax.
Crochet Diploma....well that has also taken a bit of a back seat. I have spent the holidays crocheting Christmas presents and dolls clothes for my granddaughter. I have now submitted 15 samples, well 14 actually. For some bizarre reason I can crochet a triangle from a point to a row but I can't work out how to do it the other way round, i.e. down to a point. I explained this to Pauline and she has very kindly sent me a leaflet on it, so once I get back into doing the diploma I will tackle it again. I just thought it was strange that I really couldn't work it out!. So far my marks have been a variation of Excellent, very good indeed and very good, so I am quite pleased with all of those marks. I've decided to spring clean my house this week, try and finish off the Christmas presents that I have started and then do some more samples for submission, then get back to Christmas presents again. It's creeping up far too quickly.
It looks like I may be going back to work for just mornings which will suit me. It gives me much more time to crochet. I am also doing an art deco cross stitch. I love art deco. I bought myself 6 DVD Roms of art deco card crafting so I'm also making cards. I LOVE CRAFTING!. If I won the lottery........I'd buy myself a wool shop and just sit in it all day, crocheting, trying to knit and cross stitching. BLISS (and not really wanting to sell anything) :)